Scape Constructions was founded in 1993 and our primary operations include building works, civil construction and commercial landscaping works.
With offices located on NSW Central Coast and Macquarie Park in Sydney, the business is conveniently located to service the Sydney, Newcastle and lower Hunter Valley regions. Our comprehensive range of services can provide you with:
For over 20 years Scape has delivered quality service as either the principle contractor to government and private enterprise, or as key subcontractor supplying a range of skills and services on large projects.
Scape Constructions operates an Integrated Management System that encompasses Quality Assurance (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001), Occupational Health & Safety (AS/NZS4801) and customised Business Management processes.
Reflecting our on-going commitment to quality management, we have achieved certification for these three standards with BSI Australia. Overseeing this process is a dedicated staff member qualified in management systems.
At Scape Constructions we see our Integrated Management System as a valuable asset with direct benefits for our clients.
These include: